Sep 29, 2009

A new season

Morning birds seemed like a great Idea for an alarm. Then again there are a lot of things that seem like a "great" idea and aren't. Electronic birds chirping away in your ear happens to be one of those ideas. 

Tuesday, breakfast... I kinda was wondering why I was even bothering. I was pretty convinced that no one was going to be at breakfast. Maybe had I known the future I would have put something on a little nicer. As it was, I ended up pushing through the cafeteria doors clad in bright pink slipper boots, plaid christmas shorts, and a ratty sweatshirt. I don't even think rollers in my hair would have had a negative effect on what I was wearing. 
The cafeteria was not nearly empty, oh no, on the contrary it was nearly full. 

The reason being: Last Sunday was the official beginning day for many of our fall schools 
*Discipleship Training School consisting of 40 some new students. 
*School of Strategic Missions around 8
*School Of Worship roughly 9
* English as a Second Language 13(ish)

On top of all those lovely faces add in the fact that 
Our last Disciple ship training school had just gotten back from the State side part of their outreach. Packing and repacking before heading out to Brazil, Mexico, and Asia. Tack on another 30 faces for that one.
**(Please keep them in your prayers as they minister to people from all walks of life all over our world. Effectiveness, Health, and Unity)***

Obviously not EVERY single person from those schools were there. I'd be lying if I said so, but at the moment I was tempted to turn my rumpled self right around and walk back out. Glad I didn't, as I ended up having a nice breakfast conversation and got to say goodbye to some of the people leaving for Outreach today. 

What an exciting time here at Ywam!! All these new students, each and every one with a heart that God is going win, heal and renew. 
I'm so thankful that I'm here at such a time as this, I'm not sure how God want to use me in their lives. All I know is that with out your prayers and support I would not have this opportunity of sharing at all.  Thank you for partnering with God on this, you really are the reason that these training schools are able to run, be effective, and then go affect the whole world. 

Love you all 

Sep 25, 2009

Only from the top down.

As I was pouring some creamer into my coffee this morning, thinking to myself how there is nothing in the world quite so perfect and beautiful as when that white, white cream hits that dark dark coffee.
I love just staring at it and watching how the cream hits and tendrils of white swirl delicately to the bottom.

That's what God wants us to be in the world. When we give our lives to Christ, He washes us white as cream (work with me on this coffee theme) and when we fully surrender our will to His we allow him to pour us out into a very black cup of coffee. The coffee doesn't instantly turn creamy when the cream hits it, in fact it swirl to the bottom only lightening the area immediately next to us. However, God in His greatness is able to take His hand, grab a really big spoon and stir things up. Now I can't say for sure how this makes the creamer feel, but I'm guessing it isn't always comfortable. It forces it to spread out and touch all the dark places, it unsettles things, changes things. How many times are we like that? God pours us out on the world and we settle to the bottom, perfectly content being there, being sweet and tasty, but not serving our intended purpose. Praise God, He doesn't leave us there. He's got a bigger plan for us, He is willing to stir things up so that the entire world will get touched. He loves us so much that He won't let us go to waste. Think about it, if the creamer doesn't do what it is supposed to do the entire cup of coffee gets dumped out, creamer included. Unwilling for that to happen God's got to stir.
The creamer probably sometimes feels like it hasn't made a difference at all, thinks that all that stirring and hard times where just bad luck or an attack from Satan. All that hard work for nothing! (funny how the creamer thinks it's the one doing all the work when really God's the one doing all the stirring) If only the cream would realize it was the hand of God the entire time.
Sometimes creamer can't see the difference it has made because it's in the cup looking around, every thing looks all the same color. (That's how I feel sometimes.) But then it struck me, sometimes you can't see the difference looking from side to side. Sometimes the difference is only seen from the Top down. The only way you can see it is if your holding the cup looking in. Sometimes God's the only one who ever knows. Isn't that enough though, knowing that you have made the cup sweet for the King to drink.

Comforting thought, that the same hand, that chose that flavor of creamer is that same hand that poured it in (just the right amount) is the same hand that stirred things up, is the same hand that is, and has always been holding the cup looking in from the top down.

So there you go.
God bless.

Sep 24, 2009

First Entry

Well, here goes nothing. This is my first blog attempt ever.
Going to keep it short and sweet.
Basically right now I'm sitting in my office as we are deconstructing a filing cabinet that got jammed shut. Yeah, it is a lot more exciting than it sounds believe me. Actually, maybe it is not.
now here is where I hit publish post and see what happens.

May the force be with me.