Feb 19, 2010

Hey look I fixed it!!

Todays post is inspired by my cousin. Aaron, thanks for finding time to laugh at the ridiculous things in life. 

Hope you all are at least slightly amused yourselves. 

Modern Technology is transforming Christmas

I sure hope it is Anti-Skip

Should have used Duct Tape

Narnia doors aren't even trying to hide anymore

Warning, Smart Cars do not actually increase intelligence 

The new stow and go shower

Gosh dangit, when did nerds get cool?

That's all, just thought I'd try and share a few smiles. 

Feb 16, 2010


Hey everybody some of my friends just made a video for big break. If they win this contest, they get a bunch of scholarship money to go there! Here is the video. Check it out, it's fun and really well done!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ch0xKUVF4

Then if you loved it like I know you will, vote!! University of Iowa!

You have to vote here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Big-Break/183279498889?v=app_20678178440&ref=ts

Feel free to get the word out!!! 

Feb 11, 2010


I really though I wouldn't miss snow and all the mess and hassle that seems to go hand in mittened hand with it. However, as I'm sitting at my desk watching as a few confused flurries gather on the cars outside my office painting them all the same shade of fresh crisp white, I can't help but think encouraging thoughts to the little white fellows as the swirl around. Maybe liking the cold is just part of who I am after living in Iowa all of my life until now. It just seems to me that cold weather should bring people together, call up some friends pop some corn and watch Breakfast at Tiffany's. There's nothing better to do in the cold than be together. So lets heat up some hot chocolate and soak in the good things of life.

Feb 4, 2010

A smile for the morning.

Can you guess what this is made out of?

Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant Mona Lisa inSydney, Australia .  The 3,604 cups of coffee were each filled with different amounts of milk to create the different shades!