As the crisp fall weather begins to roll in, and as the trees decorate themselves with bright red and gold leaves I can't help but thinking what a beautiful time of year it would be to get married. It's so easy for me to picture the bride looking at herself one last time in the mirror then stepping out onto the still green grass with one thought in mind. Today is her wedding day.
This year is different though, the fall is filing the air with color, and the leaves are still changing one by one, every day. However, instead of picturing an unknown bride looking at herself in the mirror. I'm picturing myself. I can see my self standing in the small white chapel surrounded by my closest friends, watching them walk out one by one ahead of me, and then it will be my turn and I will step out, and all the heads will turn to look at me, but I won't even notice because I will be thinking one thing... Today is my wedding day. I'm getting walk towards the man I love and promise him a lifetime of living life together. The ups and downs, the happy the sad, and all the adventures that two people can fit into every day.
19 days to go and they are falling as fast as the leaves.
Who would have guessed that an island boy would fall in love with an Iowa girl?
I guess it's the things that you don't know that dreams are made of. = )
The next time you hear from me I will be introducing myself as Briana Joy Johnson.
Sometimes our closets get messy but praise God, He is always willing to help us untangle the hangers.
Oct 5, 2010
Aug 6, 2010
From Here to There
Just got back from Mexico with the SST Phase 3 that I was staffing.
Hope the pictures mean to you at least a little of what they do to me.
Hope the pictures mean to you at least a little of what they do to me.
A New Hope
Jun 30, 2010
13 and 1/2 hours until tomorrow
As some of you are aware I'm having nose surgery done tomorrow to straighten out my nose from the times I've broken it and to hopefully allow me to breathe more freely though it.
I haven't got much more to say on the subject. I've never had surgery of any kind before and I think I am reasonably nervous.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... Oh what will you hold?
If you all would be praying for me that would be wonderful.
Thanks... Love
I haven't got much more to say on the subject. I've never had surgery of any kind before and I think I am reasonably nervous.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... Oh what will you hold?
If you all would be praying for me that would be wonderful.
Thanks... Love
Jun 29, 2010
16 hours past Monday.. and counting.
I have spent the majority of my day today playing Scrabble on my Itouch and reading interspersed with looking up Freeganism on Youtube.
Freeganism? You might be wondering what that is and so I will tell you. Freeganism is the act of living off of other peoples toss outs. Freeganism is usually most popular among people who are trying to erase the carbon foot print we are leaving on our earth due to our wasteful nature. (also, though slightly less popular among people who enjoy the shock factor or just don't like spending money on something like food) Many freegans are vegan or vegetarian. Makes sense to me because I'm not sure what kind of person would really feel alright about eating day old meats out of a rubbish bin. I don't know if I'd ever be willing to try it, though after seeing a group of people pulling a box full of brand new Extra Virgin Olive Oil out of the dumpster I do see the advantages. Many times things such as eggs and crates of liquids get tossed simply because one of the bottles or eggs brake and nobody wants to take the time to wash them off so the whole lot gets trashed.
Dumpster diving is, however, frowned upon by most businesses. So I don't suggest trying it unless you are homeless of just really wanting a thrill.
Jun 18, 2010
Cinderella's Shoes
Standing in Cinderella’s dancing shoes
Waiting for you, but no one knows
Will you stay of will you go, looking
For snow white
I’m under a willow tree
Starlit, moon struck, dreaming
If I were sleeping would you wake me
Would you take me
Could you be my Charming
I don’t know, I can’t think
Your smile is disarming
All my defenses
I’m defenseless
Against you
Oh oh oh, it’s true
Come on, come on
Take my hand
Come on, come on
Lets run away to our make believe land
I’ll be your damsel in distress
Don’t worry about the ending
We can just make up the rest
Come on, come on
Before the daylight fades
Summer lasts for just a moment
And a hand full of days
May 20, 2010
Cross word puzzles
Have you ever stared at something for so long and hard that you found yourself hating an inanimate object? Right now I really really hate the this dang cross word puzzle that I'm working on. It will not budge and the hints are terrible.
Other than that a nasty storm is rolling in. It's only 1:45 and it looks like 7:30 and the sun is going down and everything is grey. The wind is starting to pick up and the temperature is dropping. The air is still regardless of the wind, the fan in my office is on low spinning around on the ceiling to keep the air from going stale. I can't tell if there is rolling thunder or if someone in the gym is playing a loud base drum. Still waiting for the rain... We will see.......
May 10, 2010
Then again maybe not.
And so I have discovered that I am not the next Julie and Julia. She somehow managed to cook through an entire cook book and blog about her efforts and I can not even make it past the letter C.
My next entry was going to be about Dandelion greens, however, I thought to myself, "whoever is reading my blog has full access to the internet. If they were really interested in how to eat them they could easily just look them up on google themselves." A sad but very very true epiphany to be sure.
On another note. Jack is going to take me to see Iron Man 2 tonight. He said it was decent so now we just have to await my verdict. (Jack went and saw the midnight release showing. Personally I prefer to be sleeping during the midnight hours and so opted out of going.) We're thinking about going out and grabbing some food before hand. I'm guessing the choices will end up between TGI Fridays OR
Chick fil-A. If you read this post and think of something more delicious that we should be eating quickly text me (319-558-6093) and submit your location. If not I will either be enjoying myself a steak or chicken sandwich. Both most likely accompanied by sweet tea.
I got sunburned on saturday, but am recovering nicely. My goal this summer is to walk away without a farmers tan or any blatant lines for that matter. I guess we will see.
My next entry was going to be about Dandelion greens, however, I thought to myself, "whoever is reading my blog has full access to the internet. If they were really interested in how to eat them they could easily just look them up on google themselves." A sad but very very true epiphany to be sure.
On another note. Jack is going to take me to see Iron Man 2 tonight. He said it was decent so now we just have to await my verdict. (Jack went and saw the midnight release showing. Personally I prefer to be sleeping during the midnight hours and so opted out of going.) We're thinking about going out and grabbing some food before hand. I'm guessing the choices will end up between TGI Fridays OR
Chick fil-A. If you read this post and think of something more delicious that we should be eating quickly text me (319-558-6093) and submit your location. If not I will either be enjoying myself a steak or chicken sandwich. Both most likely accompanied by sweet tea.
I got sunburned on saturday, but am recovering nicely. My goal this summer is to walk away without a farmers tan or any blatant lines for that matter. I guess we will see.
Apr 20, 2010
C is for Christmas, crawfish, and cake.

Now you are probably thinking. Cantaloupe, really? And my answer is YES really. Cantaloupe just happens to be on of my favorite summer time or anytime snacks. Cantaloupe and I have a long and mutually loving history together and I thought I would share some of the reasons why with you.
A cantaloupe has many brothers and sisters as the mellon family is quite large. One such relative is the Cucumber, which then made me wonder... That would make a pickle the long lost ugly cousin of the Cantaloupe. Gross!

Enough Cartoons, Lets get FACTUAL!
Health Benefits:
Cantaloupe is a rich source of vitamin A, a cup of cantaloupe provides about 103.2% of the daily value for vitamin A and beta-carotene and important nutrient for a healthy vision.
Cantaloupe is also rich in Vitamin C , a cup of cantaloupe provides 112.5% of the daily value for vitamin C. Vitamin C protect our immune from free radicals and it also help stimulate white cells to fight infection.
Cantaloupe folate content is important for the production and maintenance of new cells, especially during pregnancy.
Cantaloupe is beneficial for the following illnesses:
- Fever
- Rheumatism
- Arthritis
- Skin diseases
- Constipation
- High blood pressure
- Abdominal and stomach gas
- Blood deficiencies
- Disorders of the kidneys and bladder
- May help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue due to its high Vitamin A content.
Throw it back, there's always another fish in the sea.
The first thing you want to do when choosing a ripe cantaloupe is smell it. Ripe cantaloupes give off a sweet, cantaloupe smell that you can't mistake. (on second thought. Smelling might not be such a bad idea.)
....I don't know why it is frowning....
A ripe cantaloupe with be golden/orange in color underneath and within the outer rind. An unripe cantaloupe will be green underneath. Also make sure the cantaloupe is not too soft, a classic sign of being overripe.
The good thing about cantaloupe is that is will continue to ripen. So, if you pick an under-ripe cantaloupe at the store, let it sit on your counter for a few days and it should be ready to eat.
SLICE SLICE BABY... Dun dun da da da dun dun. Slice Slice BABY!!
That is the best help I can give you on how to eat a Cantaloupe. Cut it half scoop out the seeds and eat it raw and fresh.
Apr 19, 2010
Today in Sesame Street.......
Today we will learn about some wonderful natural vegetation starting with the letter...........B.
But first a word from our sponsor.. AKA Me.
If you are wanting more of me, become a follower on Twitter. Look me up using my email address: OR just type in my user name Breeves08.
...............and now back to our featured presentation.
The green stuff of the day is... BASIL.
(Ocimum basilicum)
Who Eats this stuff Anyway?

Eat to a Healthier you.
Basil is an excellent source of a variety of key nutrients, particularly vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A and phosphorus. Furthermore, basil is a useful source of magnesium, potassium and iron.
......Wait, there is more.....This herb is believed to have significant health effects, particularly in improving cardiovascular health. Furthermore, basil is a particularly good source of vitamin A, which is a key nutrient for strong eyesight, plus healthy skin and hair. Basil contains high concentrations of carotenoids such as beta carotene, and these substances are converted to vitamin A in the body. Beta carotene offers even stronger benefits than vitamin A alone, and it is known to be a powerful antioxidant.
Please use a fork.
How does one enjoy this flavorful herb you might ask. Simple, one of my favorite ways to eat Basil is in Pesto, a simple Italian dish. See recipe below.
(I usually use a box of tri-colored Rotini noodles, the twists in the pasta help trap in the Pesto sauce and lock in the full flavor.)
Basil (fresh from the garden or store) - Roughly 4 cups
Parsley - 1/2-1 cup
Parmasan cheese - 1/3-1/2 cup
Walnuts, handful
garlic - to taste, 3-4-5-6 cloves crushed
olive oil - depends on how much basil you use. enough to make it moist.
Boil water to make noodles
and in food processor add above listed ingredients and pummel into a paste. Will be lumpy, but should be moist enough to pour over noodles (spatula helps) Fold sauce into noodles top with Feta cheese and enjoy.
You can eat it alone OR goes great as a side dish with asparagus, mashed potatoes and grilled chicken.
For the most satisfaction enjoy with Friends and Family
Apr 8, 2010
The 26 Adventure
And so it begins.....
I was sitting in my office this morning, shuffling through the tidal wave of information that is the internet while munching on a banana. I thought to myself, I know bananas have potassium but what else about them is so good form me. I googled, I discovered, and was inspired to share.
What if I took the 26 letter of the alphabet matched each one up to a common food? Would you follow me through my next 26 posts to find out some interesting health benefits of the things you eat, you might be surprised and so might I.
Each day that I post I'll also show how to prepare the food, and perhaps a recipe or two. (I'll try to try the recipes as I go but I won't get to them all so don't hold me responsible if they taste gross.)
A..... Is for Artichoke
Among antioxidant-rich foods, artichokes are too often overlooked. Yet a July 2006 study tested the antioxidant levels of 1,113 foods and beverages and found that artichoke hearts had the highest level among all vegetables measured; they came in fourth among all foods and beverages analyzed. That means artichoke heats beat out blueberries, red wine, chocolate, coffee and tea.
I was sitting in my office this morning, shuffling through the tidal wave of information that is the internet while munching on a banana. I thought to myself, I know bananas have potassium but what else about them is so good form me. I googled, I discovered, and was inspired to share.
What if I took the 26 letter of the alphabet matched each one up to a common food? Would you follow me through my next 26 posts to find out some interesting health benefits of the things you eat, you might be surprised and so might I.
Each day that I post I'll also show how to prepare the food, and perhaps a recipe or two. (I'll try to try the recipes as I go but I won't get to them all so don't hold me responsible if they taste gross.)
A..... Is for Artichoke
Among antioxidant-rich foods, artichokes are too often overlooked. Yet a July 2006 study tested the antioxidant levels of 1,113 foods and beverages and found that artichoke hearts had the highest level among all vegetables measured; they came in fourth among all foods and beverages analyzed. That means artichoke heats beat out blueberries, red wine, chocolate, coffee and tea.
This thorny thistle can actually improve digestion as well. Studies suggest that artichokes help control blood sugar in those with diabetes. Artichoke extracts have been shown to alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. A natural diuretic, artichokes are high in insoluble fiber, which helps regulate the digestive tract. The high fiber and low calorie count (60 calories in one medium globe artichoke) make artichokes attractive for dieters.
Artichokes promote general health with their balance of nutrients. They are high in potassium, which protects against kidney stones. They are also a good source of folic acid, which is especially important for women of childbearing age since deficiencies have been linked to birth defects. The vitamin C in artichokes adds to their cancer-fighting potential.
The beautiful, silver-leafed artichoke never gets to preen and show its lavender flower. We love to eat artichokes too much to let them bloom, but they are, in fact, members of the thistle family.
In the 16th century, eating an artichoke was reserved only for men. Women were denied the pleasure because the artichoke was considered an aphrodisiac and was thought to enhance sexual power.
So exotic were artichokes, that in one short movie of "The Three Stooges," Curly calls an artichoke a smarty-choke, a party-smoke, an okey-doke, a feathered pineapple, and a barbed-wire pickle.
Select globes that are deep green, with a tight leaf formation, and those that feel heavy for their size. A good test of freshness is to press the leaves against each other which should produce a squeaking sound. Browning of the tips can indicate age, but can also indicate frost damage.
Fall and winter artichokes may be darker or bronze-tipped or have a whitish, blistered appearance due to exposure to light frost. This is called "winter-kissed." Look for tender green on the inside of petals. Many consider these frosted artichokes to be the most tender with intense flavor. Avoid artichokes which are wilting, drying or have mold.
STORAGE(Not under the bed.)
To store fresh artichokes at home, sprinkle them with a little water and refrigerate in an airtight plastic bag. Do no wash before storing. They should last a week when stored properly.
Try them, Steamed, Stuff, or made into dip.
Apr 6, 2010
9:53 am
Hello, good-morning.
I have nothing to say.
... and so starts my day.
I need inspiration.
Maybe looking at my fish tank will help.
The fish are very fat and happy looking piggish little fellows. The other day Jack and I drove into Tyler and I picket up about 33 ghost shrimp. They're just little guys, but they are supposed to help keep you tank cleaner because they are scavengers....... However, my shrimp population has dwindled down to about 5, due to escapees (I found 3 dried out bodies on my floor yesterday morning.) and more greatly due to the fact that my fish are as I said pigs and have no scruples against eating their room mates.
....... And I thought gold fish were supposed to be nice.
I have nothing to say.
... and so starts my day.
I need inspiration.
Maybe looking at my fish tank will help.
The fish are very fat and happy looking piggish little fellows. The other day Jack and I drove into Tyler and I picket up about 33 ghost shrimp. They're just little guys, but they are supposed to help keep you tank cleaner because they are scavengers....... However, my shrimp population has dwindled down to about 5, due to escapees (I found 3 dried out bodies on my floor yesterday morning.) and more greatly due to the fact that my fish are as I said pigs and have no scruples against eating their room mates.
....... And I thought gold fish were supposed to be nice.
Mar 23, 2010
Remember those days?
Remember those days way back when you were young? When if per say, you had an eye infection you would made poor mom chase you around the house and pin you down just to put in eye drops?
Well, it's terrible being an adult. Instead of running around the house crying you have to suck it up and pour acid into your own eyes and if you don't nobody will. Rough stuff. If I was 5 or even 8 I would probably weep pathetically. Now as I'm adult I take the mature route and blog about my sufferings.
The perky fool... IF you only knew.
"She gave me the stink eye".. .. "No that, that's just here face."
Frown face.. Smerrr...
OooooOO!!! Just the things to turn this frown upside-down!
You have now reached the documented end of my saga. And I have now officially entertained myself far more than I'm sure you have been entertained by reading this. Perhaps I resemble a 6 year old more than I thought.
Mar 9, 2010
Tuesday, Twosday, Tosday, Toosday, Toesday?
"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Last night around 2:00am I woke up to the crackle and boom of an early spring thunderstorm. The last thing I though before putting back in my earbuds was "tomorrow is either going to be cold and grey or beautiful."
It's beautiful today.
I'm not a bird, but sometimes I wish I was. They are always the first ones up singing praises to God, as loud as they can, not afraid of waking anyone up. In fact, I think they are trying to wake us up sometimes. Maybe God roused them out of their nests and whispered to them "Sing to me so loudly this morning that you wake every one up. Get them up, get them out. I made today so beautiful for them and I don't want them to miss it."... I don't want to miss a thing.
"Though the sorrow may last through the night Joy comes in the morning."
"Sing a song of celebration lift up a shout of joy for the bride groom has come, the glorious one."
"Sing a song of celebration lift up a shout of joy for the bride groom has come, the glorious one."
Last night around 2:00am I woke up to the crackle and boom of an early spring thunderstorm. The last thing I though before putting back in my earbuds was "tomorrow is either going to be cold and grey or beautiful."
It's beautiful today.
I'm not a bird, but sometimes I wish I was. They are always the first ones up singing praises to God, as loud as they can, not afraid of waking anyone up. In fact, I think they are trying to wake us up sometimes. Maybe God roused them out of their nests and whispered to them "Sing to me so loudly this morning that you wake every one up. Get them up, get them out. I made today so beautiful for them and I don't want them to miss it."... I don't want to miss a thing.
"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!"- Phillipians 4:4-9
Feb 19, 2010
Hey look I fixed it!!
Todays post is inspired by my cousin. Aaron, thanks for finding time to laugh at the ridiculous things in life.
Hope you all are at least slightly amused yourselves.
Modern Technology is transforming Christmas
I sure hope it is Anti-Skip
Should have used Duct Tape
Narnia doors aren't even trying to hide anymore
Warning, Smart Cars do not actually increase intelligence
The new stow and go shower
Gosh dangit, when did nerds get cool?
That's all, just thought I'd try and share a few smiles.
Feb 16, 2010
Hey everybody some of my friends just made a video for big break. If they win this contest, they get a bunch of scholarship money to go there! Here is the video. Check it out, it's fun and really well done! F4
Then if you loved it like I know you will, vote!! University of Iowa!
You have to vote here:!/pages/Big-Bre ak/183279498889?v=app_20678178440&ref=ts
You have to vote here:!/pages/Big-Bre
Feel free to get the word out!!!
Feb 11, 2010
I really though I wouldn't miss snow and all the mess and hassle that seems to go hand in mittened hand with it. However, as I'm sitting at my desk watching as a few confused flurries gather on the cars outside my office painting them all the same shade of fresh crisp white, I can't help but think encouraging thoughts to the little white fellows as the swirl around. Maybe liking the cold is just part of who I am after living in Iowa all of my life until now. It just seems to me that cold weather should bring people together, call up some friends pop some corn and watch Breakfast at Tiffany's. There's nothing better to do in the cold than be together. So lets heat up some hot chocolate and soak in the good things of life.
Feb 4, 2010
A smile for the morning.
Can you guess what this is made out of?
Jan 14, 2010
The power of prayer.
If you have even on TV or radio in your house I'm sure you've heard the news.
Massive earth quake levels Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Death toll estimated in the 100,000s.
Massive earth quake levels Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Death toll estimated in the 100,000s.
"Dead lay in the streets, possibilities of mass burial sights talked about on the radio. People wandering the streets, city parks now filled with people camping out in them. The situation is worst than dreamed!
Yesterday we sent an investigative team to Port-au-Prince (PAP) to take a first hand look at the situation. I will not easily forget what Rodney Gephart and Wayne Snow said when they had returned; "The situation is worse than it has appeared on TV!" My heart sank and instead of crying I felt a numbness come over me as they began telling me of the dead, the buildings that had colapsed and then to hear that they could not find any information on who is doing what as far as cordinated efforts for immediate response and long term recovery." (Quote from missionary in Haiti)
This strikes near to my heart as several of my friends Wayne and Keturah Snow (recently married) who were apart of my Discipleship Training School and are now living in Haiti at the St. Marc YWAM Base. I myself went to Haiti less than a year ago.
John 14:13-14
"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Mark 11:24
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though it's waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging....... The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."
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