Mar 23, 2010

Remember those days?

Remember those days way back when you were young? When if per say, you had an eye infection you would made poor mom chase you around the house and pin you down just to put in eye drops?

Well, it's terrible being an adult. Instead of running around the house crying you have to suck it up and pour acid into your own eyes and if you don't nobody will. Rough stuff. If I was 5 or even 8 I would probably weep pathetically. Now as I'm adult I take the mature route and blog about my sufferings.

The perky fool... IF you only knew. 

Thinking to myself.. "Gee, my eye feels so gooey." Day #1

Day # 2 My eye feels like it should join a nudist beach

"She gave me the stink eye".. .. "No that, that's just here face." 

If I were in a cartoon this is how I would feel.

Frown face.. Smerrr...

OooooOO!!! Just the things to turn this frown upside-down!


You have now reached the documented end of my saga. And I have now officially entertained myself far more than I'm sure you have been entertained by reading this. Perhaps I resemble a 6 year old more than I thought. 

Mar 9, 2010

Tuesday, Twosday, Tosday, Toosday, Toesday?

"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"
"Though the sorrow may last through the night Joy comes in the morning."
"Sing a song of celebration lift up a shout of joy for the bride groom has come, the glorious one."

Last night around 2:00am I woke up to the crackle and boom of an early spring thunderstorm. The last thing I though before putting back in my earbuds was "tomorrow is either going to be cold and grey or beautiful."
 It's beautiful today. 

I'm not a bird, but sometimes I wish I was. They are always the first ones up singing praises to God, as loud as they can, not afraid of waking anyone up. In fact, I think they are trying to wake us up sometimes. Maybe God roused them out of their nests and whispered to them "Sing to me so loudly this morning that you wake every one up. Get them up, get them out. I made today so beautiful for them and I don't want them to miss it."... I don't want to miss a thing.

"Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!"- Phillipians 4:4-9