Jun 30, 2010

13 and 1/2 hours until tomorrow

As some of you are aware I'm having nose surgery done tomorrow to straighten out my nose from the times I've broken it and to hopefully allow me to breathe more freely though it. 
I haven't got much more to say on the subject. I've never had surgery of any kind before and I think I am reasonably nervous. 

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... Oh what will you hold? 

If you all would be praying for me that would be wonderful. 

Thanks... Love

Jun 29, 2010

16 hours past Monday.. and counting.

I have spent the majority of my day today playing Scrabble on my Itouch and reading interspersed with looking up Freeganism on Youtube. 

Freeganism? You might be wondering what that is and so I will tell you. Freeganism is the act of living off of other peoples toss outs. Freeganism is usually most popular among people who are trying to erase the carbon foot print we are leaving on our earth due to our wasteful nature. (also, though slightly less popular among people who enjoy the shock factor or just don't like spending money on something like food)  Many freegans are vegan or vegetarian. Makes sense to me because I'm not sure what kind of person would really feel alright about eating day old meats out of a rubbish bin. I don't know if I'd ever be willing to try it, though after seeing a group of people pulling a box full of brand new Extra Virgin Olive Oil out of the dumpster I do see the advantages. Many times things such as eggs and crates of liquids get tossed simply because one of the bottles or eggs brake and nobody wants to take the time to wash them off so the whole lot gets trashed. 
Dumpster diving is, however, frowned upon by most businesses. So I don't suggest trying it unless you are homeless of just really wanting a thrill. 

Jun 18, 2010

Cinderella's Shoes

Standing in Cinderella’s dancing shoes
Waiting for you, but no one knows
Will you stay of will you go, looking
For snow white

I’m under a willow tree
Starlit, moon struck, dreaming
If I were sleeping would you wake me
Would you take me
Could you be my Charming

I don’t know, I can’t think

Your smile is disarming
All my defenses
I’m defenseless
Against you
Oh oh oh, it’s true

Come on, come on
Take my hand
Come on, come on
Lets run away to our make believe land
I’ll be your damsel in distress
Don’t worry about the ending
We can just make up the rest

Come on, come on
Before the daylight fades
Summer lasts for just a moment
And a hand full of days