I thought it would be kind of fun to look up some new words on the internet.
As you might be guessing it is a severely slow day in the office
as well as a slightly unimpressive day outside the window.
Fasten your seat belts and hold on to your hats,
I dare you to try and use these words in a sentence this week.
\ES-theet\ , noun:
One having or affecting great sensitivity
to beauty, as in art or nature.
Aesthete is from Greek aisthetes,
"one who perceives," from aisthanesthai, "to perceive."
"The esthete stood tall and lonely
in the nearly empty hall of the forgotten art museum.
Not only did he perceive the beauty in the art surrounding him,
but also the solitary elegance
of the lack of appreciation the museum in general received."
\RED-uh-luhnt\ , adjective:
Having or exuding fragrance; scented; aromatic.
Full of fragrance; odorous; smelling
(usually used with 'of' or 'with').
Serving to bring to mind; evocative; suggestive;
reminiscent (usually used with 'of' or 'with').
Redolent derives from Latin redolens,
-entis, present participle of redolere,
"to emit a scent, to diffuse an odor,
"from red-, re- + olere,
"to exhale an odor."
"The guests upon entering the house
were further put at their ease
by the redolent smell of baking pie.
The tangy, spicy smell of cinnamon and apples promised
a most relaxing and delightful evening."
\goh-shuh-REE\ , noun:
A socially awkward or tactless act.
Lack of tact; boorishness; awkwardness.
Gaucherie comes from the French, from gauche,
"lefthanded; awkward," from Old French, from gauchir,
"to turn aside, to swerve, to walk clumsily."
"Here we see the insecure, unattractive woman who
at long last has found someone even more
insecure and unattractive than herself, calling attention
to her companion's gaucherie in order to feel,
for once in her life, like the belle of the ball."
I hope you enjoyed your Wordy Thursday.
I know it would sound better as Wordy Wednesday..
But I think Wednesday gets enough attention as it is.
I mean seriously you have "Wacky Wednesday"
and for goodness sake there is even a book about that.
Seriously we need to give thursday some more attention.
I'm quite certain that Thursday more often than not,
feels like the gaucherie of the week.
You don't even need to be an esthete to appreciate
the nobleness of the day before Friday.
Personally I think Thursday is a redolent day
that smells freshly of the weekend to come.
Here's to you Thursday.
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