My apologies for my delinquency in keeping y'all updated. I can't believe I left you hanging there for almost a month.
Where to start?
Well, I spent one wonderful and far to short week at home for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I got in on Sunday and left the following Sunday so I didn't get to see many of you. Just know I miss you all very much and think of you often.
A good portion of my time was spent hunting for and then preparing my new car for the return trip to Texas. She is a pretty little car, a 1998 Honda Accord. Did you know that car can hold the most people of any other car? Yup, it can.. Says so in the Bible on the day of Pentecost there were over 100 believers all in one Accord.... Ha, ok that was pretty lame.
That's what I get for working in an office with a lot of the founding people of our ministry campus. As I have discovered there is a Bible joke for EVERYTHING!
What a blessing it has been for me though, to work in such close proximity to the original founders of our ministry. Besides lots of cheesy jokes I feel I've also inherited a lot of they're blessing and vision. Not that I'm suddenly a master leader, but I think where I'm at is a good place to start. To become a leader, start by serving a leader. I find myself more and more jealous of the disciples, what an awesome thing to have been able to serve for three years the greatest leader of all time!
Hope you have a great first day of December.
Lots of love
Thank you for the update Bree..........We agree about the Honda Accord! Thanks for making me smile today. We will be praying for your safe return. I know your stay at home was short but sweet. Love you! Ann